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Concept 1: To re-launch Oatibix into the eyes of the new shoppers we need to go in LOUD and INSPIRATIONAL.


People between the ages of 40 and 70 who participate in extreme sports say it helps to create profound and positive life changes.
A feeling of peace and tranquillity during the experience creates mindfulness. Open up your Human Potential with Oatibix.


FOMO experience. Converting the grey haired porridge eaters to the active go getters - OAT eaters = VOP : Very OATy People.

WAKE UP WINNING is a positive way to embrace each morning. The NEW TASTY RECIPE bursting with healthy benefits, will empower you to do the things you want to do. Fuelling your day, get out there and have X-TREME ADVENTURES on us! Creating a catchphrase of exhilaration…

“OatibiX-tremeeeee” it will be hard not to ignore and in an instant Oatibix is back in their basket.



Concept 2: To re-launch Oatibix into the eyes of the new shoppers we need to OATIVATE a new CAN DO ATTITUDE.



Bringing back a Healthy routine to your mornings. Reinforce a key message to people over 50 years of age who need that extra MOATIVATION in their life to keep active, keep social and also think about a nourishing breakfast that’s easy for them to make each and every morning.


Let’s re-release Mr. Motivator back into your mornings and make it REALLY FUN!


I want individuals to be part of something bigger. You’re not alone... get active in your local areas and be part of something special. ‘Centre for Ageing Better’ can lead this message and be part of Oatibix’s CSR. What better influencer than Mr. Motivator to show you the best exercises, empowering messages and recipes to boast your morning activities and keep you going EVERY DAY. Think healthy, be healthy with Oatibix.

Samples of the shoppers journey. 

ROLE Creative Director / Graphic Designer / Copywriter 

AGENCY Delta Group

MEDIA Interactive Shopper Journey / Social Adverts / In-store Activations

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